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Remembering Terje “Ted” Thorjussen, 1937 – 2020

NACC Houston

In our June Newsletter we shared a story about "The Early Days of NACC Southwest Chapter". The chapters 2nd President was Terje "Ted" Thorjussen. Ted recently passed away, and NACC Houston share our condolences to his Wife Astrid and family.

Below is the obituary written by the VP of West Gulf Maritime Organiztion where Ted served as VP Prior to the author who wrote this. At the time of Ted's Presidency the Chapter mostly had maritime members such as the Port of Houston, tug boat owners etc. This was mostly due to Teds influence in the maritime business.

Terje “Ted” Thorjussen 1937 – 2020

Ted Thorjussen, retired President West Gulf Maritime Association, passed away peacefully on Saturday night with his wife Astrid at his side. Originally from Norway, Ted moved to the US at the age of twenty seeking a new adventure. After stints in Miami, the US Navy, and finally New York, in 1970 he fled the frigid cold for tropical Houston and eventually spent over two decades working at the West Gulf Maritime Association. Ted embraced everything that Houston has to offer, and its proximity to the Bay and Gulf fueled his love of sailing and the sea. Ted is deeply missed by h

is wife Astrid, son Nils, and grandchildren Alex and Natalie. A celebration of Ted’s life will be held at some point in the future when world conditions allow. Meantime please take time to listen to the linked oral interview: Terje “Ted” Thorjussen UH History Series - oral interview 2006 (after connecting it takes around 10 seconds for the audio to start)



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